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Buy back your community!

  Black Trade Circle Mobile App
Enjoy your social media experience while you do business with the community.

The average African American business hires less than 10 employees, we are here to change that.


Black Trade Circle App

The Black Trade, Commerce and Social Mobile Network

BlackTradeCircle A new way of empowering the economics of the black community using digital technology.

Our core mission is to bring about a rebirth, a new approach to black business, shading away what we know about business and reconnecting us with our past to communicate our future. The fundamental essence of this approach has been to focus on the core elements of our social consciousness, being entertainment, culture, community and economics.

Black Trade Circle Mobile App on Android

Black Trade Circle Mobile App on iPhone Apple Store

Similar to the BlackTradeLines App it uses the both a voice enabled search and a built-in GPS locator to find Black-owned entities within a given proximity.

The app brings about the celebration between business owners and their customer base all under one platform - This unity ignites and awakens the vehicle, the economic vehicle of exchange, the machine that creates wealth; the creator of jobs, capital, freedom, social and economic development within the community.

Call Customer Support 310 272 5438

Marketing & Advertising Tools

Interactive Voice Response (IVR)

  • Get a business telephone line with voice, text and data for as little as $2.00 a month
  • Setup your company voice directory with a professional welcome message
  • You get up to 10 extensions and assign departments or actions to route your customer calls
  • Give your customers a professional experience when they call your company or organization
  • Register an account to get started!
BlackTradeLines IVR System

Live Radio Station & Conference Room

  • At BlackTradeLines we provide our members with their own Radio Stations & Conference Room
  • Broadcast live to your target audience and any time and anywhere 24/7
  • Hold conference calls with your clients, business and social network.
  • Reach more with your business
  • Register an account to get started!
Radio Broadcast Stations

Text Message Marketing

Marketing research shows that 90% of text messages are read within the first 3 minutes of receipt.
  • Instantly notify your customers of events, promotions or new products.
  • Send image(MMS) or regular text (SMS) campaigns.
  • Send text blast in real time to your customers.
  • Instantly reach your audience and get direct feedback.
  • Dedicated campaign phone numbers
  • Increase your revenue and brand image and awareness.
  • Use cases include: Lead Generation, Organization or Group Registrations, Social Media Campaigns, Political Campaigns, Events and Club Promotions, Directions to Events or Business, Radio & TV Campaigns, Surveys, Email Capture, Coupon Marketing

Voice Broadcast (Phone)

  • These are short audio recorded messages that can be delivered a targeted audience via telephone
  • Deliver to voice mail
  • Import existing marketing list
  • Live answer, opt-out and call transfer services
  • Dedicated phone numbers
  • Target users of various demographics

    Mobile Video Advertising

    The mobile video campaign:
    • These are TV style 15, 30 & 60 sec up to 5 min video ads that are geo targetly sent to our 100,000+ mobile app subscribers.
    • Each can campaing can be geo targeted by zip code, city, state, country and miles from a referrential point or users proximity.
    • Target users of various demographics
    • Get real-time statistical data for each campaign

    Audio Advertising

    • These are audio 15, 30 & 60 sec jingles that target our network radio listeners and our 100,000+ mobile app subscribers.
    • These radio ads are streamed via our network radio broadcast
    • The ads stream on our individual network radio stations broadcast by our users
    • We also advertise your business on partner radio stations
    • Social media audio advertising CPP (cost per play)
    • Start your campaign today

    Ecommerce Online & Mobile Stores

    • Advertise your product on our online and mobile stores
    • No store fees or splits.
    • Manage your product inventory online or your mobile device
    • Register an account to get started!

    Social Media Advertising

    • We advertise your business via our twitter and facebook
    • Your campaign messages are exposed to thousands of social media users.
    • Your campaigns are automated and targeted to reach your intended audience.
    • Register an account to get started!





    “ I downloaded the app and found someone to work on my house. He was able to come out quickly and was THE ONLY person who was able to correctly diagnose and fix my roof. Thank you! I would definitely hire he again for future repairs!!!”
    –Amy Johnson. in Santa Monica, CA September 22, 2024 See more reviews